Climate Change
Climate change is the gradual warming of the earth, which has been caused by humans. Humans have made a lot of carbon dioxide. Power plants, factories, lawn-mowers, grills, and cars make carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide acts like a blanket around the earth. It keeps the heat in. So the earth is getting warmer.
What does this do to the Chesapeake Bay? Scientists have found that the water temperatures in the Bay are 1.2 degrees to 2.2 degrees warmer than they were 50 years ago. Warmer temperatures affect how some organisms live. In warmer water, there are more jellyfish. Warm water holds less oxygen, so animals have a harder time living in the Bay. Eelgrass and soft clams are harmed by the warmer water. Oysters can become sick from some germs that float in the water. As the water gets warmer, there will be more of the germs that will kill more oysters.
Climate change also causes more extreme weather. Summers get hotter. Winters get colder. Many plants and animals can die from these extremes. Climate change also causes storms to be worse. Between 2010 and 2016, the number of coastal floods was way above average. Whenever there are floods, dirt and chemicals from land are washed into the Bay. Often this hurts the environment.
If the earth keeps warming, the ice at the North and South Pole can melt. This will cause oceans to rise. The water has already risen one foot in the last hundred years. The water in the Bay will become less salty. Many organisms are used to the current level of saltiness and will not do well if the Polar ice caps melt.
How can you prevent climate change? First, cut down on the electricity you use. Much electricity comes from coal or oil burning power plants. Walk or ride your bike instead of asking your mom or dad to drive you. Exhaust from cars can help cause climate change. Write a letter to your congressperson asking for stricter laws about pollution. If there is less carbon dioxide in the air, we can slow down climate change.